I really enjoy experiencing deeply human interactions. Whether its witnessing them or being a real part of them, they usually turn into memories and feelings that stick with me the longest. One of these experiences was portrayed in a movie I watched last night, called Daddio. The entire movie is one deeply human conversation and while watching it I couldn't help myself to think that if these two characters were real, their interaction would probably stick with them for a long time.
Actually, it's not the interaction that sticks with us the longest but the person we have this interaction with. We go through life and we experience all kinds of things and some people stick and some people don't. And those that stick, they literally and figuratively go through life with us from that moment on. They are sticky.
One of those that stuck with me over the years is Vitalik. Interestingly, I've not had a single conversation with him and he doesn't know that I exist. Stickiness is a very curious thing.
I'm pretty sure most of you would find him sticky too and so I suggest you find out for yourself. Two days ago I finally streamed Vitalik: An Ethereum Story A documentary portraying, I believe, one of the most important projects and stories of our time. I recommend you take the time and watch it. For me personally, this documentary just applied another layer of glue on Vitalik.